I’ve read before that too many questions may not be good
And I asked myself questions were made to have answers, so why not?
And that led to a series of unstoppable questions. 
Started as whispers inside my head
Ended when I figured out that no one wanted to hear what I said
On the contrary, they just wanted me to “believe” every word they said.

I’m a woman,
And I wear this body everyday since the day I was born,
I wore it to school, and some nights I’d go out and I’d have to wear this same body again,
And I’m not supposed to sit scooting to the end of a chair with my legs wide open,
And when I don’t put makeup on or pleasure the eyes of men on my side, I’m interrogated, why?
Why you look like a man?
Why you wearing your fathers shirt?
Your brother’s jeans and have that hairstyle that looks like a mohawk?
Pull your pants up and wear a bra?
I mean for goodness sake if this was a video game it would’ve been easier to just select male and go,
But when you wake up everyday, confused,
To why you have a whole community to face outside?
You’ll ask questions like.. who chose this for me
Since I don’t seem to like it a lot.

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