Zodiac Sign


I never loved the sun

The burning breeze the wind brings with it


I never loved it because I was committed

To the moon


We shared most our nights together

It’s longer than any relationship could ever be

He loved me since the day I was given birth


He whispered to never be afraid

Supported me and told me

To be strong baby cancer


He told me that there will come a time

When I shall be gone

There will come a time

When your loved ones will all be gone


That’s when he gave me the advice

He told me to be patient

With those who don’t know you

To be active and be supportive like he always was

To respect the eldest and adore my youngest

To give love and never push away


But oh my dear moon?

Didn’t you know what life has whispered after you were gone

And what it has done to your baby girl


Your cancer is now all grown

Its marbling like a bubble through the crowds

But somebody soon shall bump it free

Hadn't you've known

That bubbles shall never live in a world filled with needles


Your baby girl is now broken

She faded like nothing

Like nothing she was ever


That’s what life whispered

And that’s what she suffered,

my dearest moon.

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